61 Scissors

This is my first Creepypasta so please leave constructive comments and try to not hate on it.

I'm sure you have all heard of the franchise Metal Gear solid and fans of the series have picked up on the title. Well whilst playing Metal Gear Solid 1 I had a strange expierience that I want to tell you about.

Children of the Mantis

I should probably elaborate on how this started. Metal Gear Solid 1 is one of my favourite games and I have replayed it again and again on mulitple difficulties along with the other games in the series. I hadn't played the game for about 2 years until last December. I usually replay the game in the winter to add the effect of Shadow Moses but it hadn't snowed 2 year prior so I wasn't in the mood. I was actually relieved that it snowed that year so I could replay the game that practically shaped a lot of my personality with it's great story. But what i found, it was bad. When i started up the game all seemed normal until I pressed start. The "Press start" screen was normal, snake was there lifting his goggles as usual but as the screen with the game options started the title changed. Instead of "Metal Gear Solid: Tactical Espionage action" it read "Metal Gear Solid: Children of the Mantis". Now of course I thought that this was an easter egg put in by the maker of the franchise, Hideo Kojima who is known for his pranks and such. I thought that this was some easter egg that happened when you completed the game a certain amount of times as Psycho Mantis was such a popular and innovative Boss. Nevertheless I started up the game expecting to find the first level.
I got something else. The sequel to Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2 features a character named Raiden who replaced Snake for a lot of the game. Another character is called the Colenel who calls Raiden to give advice and at one point scare him a bit. Instead of the first level I got the call to Raiden.
The call to Raiden happens when you upload a virus to a network to put it in Lamens terms before you find out that the Colenel was actually a simulation the whole time. He shouts random gibberish before uttering the infamous phrase
"I need scissors! 61". After he said that though the screen faded to black quickly. When it faded back Snake was in the boss battle with Psycho Mantis but instead of Meryl being controlled by Mantis it was a crucified man the figure was too blurred to see. What was strange was that everything else was normal but the figure was too blurry to make out. Mantis kept uttering the same Liquid quote over and over again.
"Foolish man. He prayed for death, and it found him. You see, Snake? You can't protect anyone, not even yourself!". It was at this point where the cutscene where Mantis reads your memory card started. I was seriously freaked out but i presumed it was all part of the easter egg and carried on. When Mantis was supposed to read out what you had on your memory card depending on if it was a Konami game he said something else. His voice had changed to a young Revolver Ocelot from the third game in the series now
"Snake, we're not finished yet!" Metal Gear Solid 3 wasn't even in development when this game was released.. The crucified man was getting less blurry and blurry i could make out brown hair now. I followed the procedure of killing Mantis but i hadn't noticed one thing. During the fight Mantis changes the screen to black while 'Hideo 1' appears at the top of the screen. This didn't happen. The cutscene that was supposed to play after the fight played mostly normal, par one big thing. During the part where Mantis reads Snakes future and tells him where the maintenence base is something else happened. I shit you not he read out this.
"But I will read your future" His voice changed to that of the virus Colenel
"I NEED SCISSORS, 61!" His voice changed back. He shouted the words he was supposed to when the screen turned to black.
"Blackout!" The screen changed to black for a second before coming back with a different image. The image of the blurred man. What i saw at first was a mirror, on a black floor. I realized after a while that it was a first person perspective and i could move. I did as so and as i did the mirror raised until I could see the actual mirror part. What I saw made me cower like a child and deprived me of sleep for the night. I saw my face, normal at first but it still shocked me. Then I saw a small stitch appear near the corner of my mouth. It slowly stitched my mouth shut. Then a scalpel appeared near my head cutting off the top. A hand reached down and grabbed my brain before ripping it out with a loud 'SNAP!'. It reached down again putting a bloody corpse of what seemed to be a baby inside. The stitch appeared again stitching my head back. The screen faded back to the game. It seemed normal for a bit, at least i thought it did, it was hard to see through the tears. I walked over to mantis, his mouth unstitched and opened releasing what looked like smaller Mantis' who jumped at Snake and Meryl before graphically eating them alive. What got me was how the smaller Mantis' looked so real for a PS1 game. The screen changed back to my stitched face before changing quickly.
I didn't sleep very long that night.
The last thing that happened before the power shut off was sound. The sound of the Fury from the third Metal Gear Solid.
"Mission Control, I'm coming home."
''Written by LukeBaxterforerver''